A tower of confiscated smuggled weapons about to be set ablaze in Nairobi, Kenya, in 2007
Source: Photo by Fredrick Onyango

Weapons reportedly found on a Palestinian boat by the Israel Defense Forces in 2011

Ceramic illustration of an arms transaction over the entrance of the Lambert Sevart weapons factory in Liege, Belgium
Source: Photo by Olnnu

Workers assemble Browning-Inglis Hi-Power pistols at a Canadian munitions plant in 1944.

DEA agents escort international arms dealer Viktor Bout, who was extradited to the United States in 2010.
Source: Drug Enforcement Administration

The Dreyse needle gun is a military breechloading rifle used by the Prussian infantry beginning in 1841. This model is from 1865.
Source: PHGCOM via Wikipedia

Detail of the flintlock of an 18th-century hunting rifle

British soldiers operate a Vickers machine gun during the Battle of the Somme, July 1916.
Source: Photo by John Warwick Brooke

A Nordenfelt submarine in 1886. Infamous arms dealer Basil Zaharoff sold this model to both the Greeks and the Turks in the late 1880s.
Source: Wikimedia Commons

An Afghanistan National Police instructor demonstrates use of a Chinese-made AK-47 assault rifle.

International arms dealer Samuel Cummings

A Sukhoi Su-30 fighter jet, a popular export product of the Russian military industry
Source: Photo by Sergey Krivchikov