10 Great World War II Films

Focusing on films that “do” history well; that is, offer meaningful interpretations about the past or otherwise engage thoughtfully with previous interpretations of the past.

Stephen Norris picks his top 10 videos that “do” history well; that is, offer meaningful interpretations about the past or otherwise engage thoughtfully with previous interpretations of the past.

  1. 2:03 The Burmese Harp, Japan, Kon Ichikawa, 1956
  2. 3:55 Kanal, Poland, Andrzej Wajda, 1957
  3. 5:25 The Bridge, West Germany, Bernhard Wicki, 1959
  4. 6:41 Ballad of a Soldier, USSR, Grigorii Chukhrai, 1959
  5. 8:35 Army of Shadows, France, Jean-Pierre Melville, 1969
  6. 9:56 Overlord, United Kingdom, Stuart Cooper, 1975
  7. 11:20 Germany, Pale Mother, West Germany, Helma Sanders-Brahms, 1980
  8. 12:34 Come and See, USSR, Elem Klimov, 1985
  9. 13:51 Days of Glory [Indigènes, or Natives], France, Rachid Bouchareb, 2006
  10. 15:07 A Woman in Berlin, Germany,  Max Faberbock, 2008

Narrator Nicholas Breyfogle gives voice to author Stephen M. Norris' top ten World War II films. Video production by Laura Seeger and Nicholas Breyfogle.