Governor George Wallace of Alabama, 1965
Source: Public Domain

Glenn Beck supporters, 2009
Source: Flickr/ dbking

Father Charles Coughlin, 1933
Source: Public Domain

James 'Cyclone' Davis, 1916
Source: Public Domain

Populist Party campaign poster, 1904
Source: Public Domain

A 2009 Tea Party rally in Washington, D.C.
Source: Flickr/ Messay Shoakena
Comments: Copyright 2009 M. Shoakena. Some rights reserved.

An 1896 cartoon shows William Jennings Bryan and Populism swallowing up the Democratic party.
Source: Public Domain
Sarah Palin records a commercial during the Super Bowl, Jan. 25, 2009
Source: Public Domain

A Tea Party Protester in Madison, Wisconsin, 2009
Source: Flickr/cometstarmoon
Comments: Some rights reserved.

Senator Huey P. Long of Louisiana in the early 1930s
Source: Wikimedia Commons

The book cover from Richard Hofstadter's The Paranoid Style in American Politics

The late nineteenth-century anti-gold standard monetary treatise, Coin's Financial School
Source: Public Domain

Huey Long's autobiography, Every Man a King

Franklin D. Roosevelt assures struggling Americans about the country's ability to cope with the Great Depression in his first presidential inaugural address
Source: FDR Presidential Library

Senator Joseph McCarthy
Source: Wikimedia Commons

A magazine cover satirizes the populist platform of William Jennings Bryan and the Democratic Party in the 1900 Presidential election
Source: Public Domain

Governor George Wallace blocks U.S. Deputy Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach from the door at the University of Alabama in an effort to stop desegregation
Source: Wikimedia Commons/Library of Congress/Warren K. Leffler for U.S. News & World Report

A Tea Party Protest in Philadelphia
Source: Public Domain/Wikimedia Commons

Results of U.S. Presidential Elections, 1892, showing areas of success of the People's Party
Source: Public Domain/National Atlas of the United States

The Gadsden flag, a favorite symbol of Tea Party groups
Source: Wikimedia Commons/Lexicon, Vikrum

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich addresses a New York City Tea Party gathering, April 15, 2009
Source: Flickr/ ajagendorf25