Michelangelo's "Creation of Adam," 1511
Source: Public Domain

A car decorated with Creationist materials, Athens Georgia
Source: Creative Commons (Amy Watts)

Of Pandas and People, the first science education book supporting Intelligent Design, and textbook at the heart of the 2005 Dover, PA court case
Source: Free Use assumed to illustrate the book.

Thomas Malthus (1766-1834)-British Philosopher and Economist who famously argued that a constantly growing population would outgrow its food supply
Source: Public Domain

Herbert Spencer (1820-1903)-British Scientist who argued for natural selection and its effects on social and biological phenomena
Source: Public Domain

Taxonomy of Galapagos (Darwin's) Finches, showing evolutionary differences. From Darwin's trip on the HMS Beagle
Source: "Journal of researches into the natural history and geology of the countries visited during the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle round the world, under the Command of Capt. Fitz Roy"

A caricature of Charles Darwin as an ape, published in The Hornet, 1871
Source: Public Domain

Charles Darwin (1809-1882)-English Naturalist who supported the scientific theories of natural selection and evolution
Source: Public Domain

Caricature of Darwin's theory in the Punch almanac when Charles Darwin published "The Formation of Vegetable Mould Through the Action of Worms" (1881)
Source: Public Domain

The British Two Pound Coin commemorating the 200th Anniversary of Darwin's Birth in 2009
Source: Free Use assumed to illustrate currency

Statue of Charles Darwin in the Natural History Museum in London. Created by Joseph Boehm in 1885
Source: Creative Commons (Patche99z)

The only illustration in Darwin's On the Origin of Species, A tree diagram, used to show the divergence of species through evolution
Source: Public Domain

Title Page of On the Origin of Species, 1859
Source: Public Domain

Spencer Tracy in the movie trailer for "Inherit the Wind," a play and movie based on the Scopes Trial that addressed the teaching of evolution in high school in the 1920s
Source: Public Domain

Joseph Leidy (1823-1891)- American paleontologist and Professor of Anatomy at the University of Pennsylvania then Professor of Natural Science at Swarthmore and supporter of evolution's principles
Source: Public Domain

Louis Agassiz (1807-1873)-Swiss Scientist who taught at Harvard and campaigned against Darwin and evolutionary theories.
Source: Public Domain
Charles Hodge (1797-1878)-Head of Princeton Theological Seminary (1851-78) and an opponent of Darwin.
Source: Public Domain

Jerry Falwell (1933-2007)-American Preacher and leader of the "Moral Majority." A main proponent of intelligent design in the late 20th century.
Source: GNU license (Liberty University)

William Graham Sumner (1840-1910)-American Professor at Yale, where he taught the first "Sociology" course in the United States.
Source: Public Domain

Clarence Darrow (1857-1938)-American Lawyer who was known for defending John Scopes for the ACLU in his Trial in Dayton Tennessee in 1925
Source: Public Domain

William Jennings Bryan (1860-1925)-Democratic politician and Populist, leading prosecutor in the Scopes Trial and defender of Creationism
Source: Public Domain