World Anti-Doping Agency logo
Peruvian coca leaves
International Olympic Committee logo
Bottle of Strychnine
Lance Armstrong
Anabolic steroids
Mariya Savinova
Richard Pound
Dr. Robert Christison
Pierre de Coubertin
Thomas Hicks
Dorando Pietri
Japanese swimmers at the 1932 Los Angeles Olympic Games
The Olympic Stadium at the 1936 Berlin Games
Henri de Baillet-Latour
Avery Brundage
Paul de Kruif’s 1945 publication “The Male Hormone”
Bob Hoffman
Knud Enemark Jensen
1969 Sports Illustrated cover
Poster from the 1983 Pan American Games
Manfred Donike
Bicyclists “sit down” in protest during the 1998 Tour de France
Sir Arthur Porritt