Return to Article United States Incarceration Rate Graph represents a timeline of the incarcerated number of Americans relative to the general population. U.S. Prison Expansion, 1900-2000 This illustrates the expansion of prisons over 100 years. Black Imprisonment Rate Chart, 2000 & 2009 Black imprisonment rates in 2000 and 2009, a comparison. U.S. Incarceration Rates of Females, 2009 A chart of states with the highest rates of female incarceration, 2009. Map of U.S. States by Incarceration Rates, 2008 A Map of the U.S. States and their incarceration rates in 2008. Incarcerated Americans, 1920-2013 The total incarceration in the U.S. by year. U.S. Males Incarcerated, 2009 Percent of U.S. male citizens incarcerated in 2009 by race. World Prison Population List Chart places the U.S. in comparison with other nations in terms of incarceration. Return to top