Paul Ehrlich's "Population Bomb"

Indira Gandhi, Prime Minister of India from 1966-1977 and 1980-1984.

Jawaharlal Nehru, First Prime Minister of India, 1947-1964

Drawing depicting the distribution of food aid during the Madras Famine in 1877, from the Illustrated London News, 1877
Source: Open Source-copyright expired

Niranjana River Bed in Bihar India during drought, 2005

1952 Family Planning Conference in India. Avabai Wadia (Reading message), Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, Lady Rama Rau, and Margaret Sanger
Source: Public Domain (wikipedia.org)

An Indian Call Center, 2006. The power of a large educated population
Source: Public Domain (wikipedia.org)

Barakhamba Road, Dehli
Source: Creative Commons (user Enthusiast10)

Farmers in India working on a rice field in Andhra Pradesh
Source: Creative Commons

A wind farm near a railway station in India, an example of how India is attempting to expand its power infrastructure
Source: Creative Commons License