Woodcut from Germany-15th Century, caption reads "How Reymont and Melusina were betrothed/And by the bishop were blessed in their bed on their wedlock"
Source: Open Source-copyright expired

Hindu marriage ceremony
Source: wikipedia.org released through GNU creative license, user Jaisingh Rathore

A Jewish Marriage Contract
Source: Open Source-copyright expired

Mariage du Duc de Bourgogne, Louis de France (1682-1712)
Source: Open Source-copyright expired

A Jozef Israels painting depicting a Jewish Wedding (1903)
Source: Open Source-copyright expired

A Muslim couple being wed alongside the Tungabhadra River at Hampi, India, 2005.
Source: Creative Commons License

Couple married in a Shinto ceremony in Takayama, Gifu, Japan, 2005
Source: Creative Commons License (user zephyr_jiza)

14th Century Illustration of David, Future King of Israel, and Jonathan, the son of Saul. Their story is in the Old Testament book of Samuel, and debate remains concerning the nature of their relationship
Source: Open Source-copyright expired

A same sex marriage ceremony in Holland, 2007
Source: wikipedia.org-gnu license, author "jeffpw"

Same sex Marriage ceremony in Montreal, Canada.
Source: wikipedia.org-gnu license, author

Rally in support of Proposition 8 in California to limit marriage to heterosexual couples only--Fresno, Oct, 2008
Source: wikipedia.org-creative commons license (Richard Johnstone, author)

Wedding Cake and toppers, created in favor of liberalizing marriage laws in Italy, January 2008
Source: wikipedia.org-public domain by Giovanni Dall'Orto

One of four newly wedded couples at a public wedding at Taiwan Pride, 2006
Source: wikipedia.org-public domain

Rally to repeal Proposition 8 in Sacramento, CA
Source: wikipedia.org-creative commons license (doxiehaus)

A royal marriage for love: Kate Middleton and Prince William kiss on the balcony of Buckingham Palace following their wedding on April 29, 2011