A campaign truck showing the DPP candidates for President and Vice-President (L) Frank Hsieh and (R) Su Tseng-chang
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DPP rally with the pagoda-shaped Taipei 101, currently the world’s tallest building, in the background.
Source: Author
DPP rally at Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall
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Sun Yat-sen statue with DPP pennant
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DPP supporter with hand tattoo reading, roughly, “Reverse the Tide [to triumph].”
Source: Author
“Taiwan is My Country” reflects the DPP’s Taiwan-centric mentality that conflicts with current US government, PRC, and KMT positions on Taiwan's place in the world.
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DPP Presidential Campaign March
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Young and overseas voters had a significant impact on the election of Ma and Siew.
Source: Author
KMT candidates Ma and Siew on banners with middle-aged supporter
Source: Author
A baseball-crazy KMT fan shows her support for candidate Ma Ying-Jeou
Source: Author
The spirit of President Chiang Kai-shek (d. 1975) lives on through public support of the military.
Source: Author
Thirty-two years after his death, Chiang Kai-shek is still a KMT standard-bearer. The white apron reads in part “Because we had President Chiang, therefore we have Taiwan today.”
Source: Author
These three KMT supporters hold signs in support of KMT candidate Ma Ying-Jeou, whose surname translates as “horse.”
Source: Author
A youthful KMT supporter sporting a sticker with the KMT’s Presidential and Vice-Presidential candidates Ma Ying-Jeou and Vincent Siew.
Source: Author
A middle-aged KMT supporter bearing the ROC flag on his cheek
Source: Author
Reflecting the KMT’s history as the founder of the Republic of China in 1928, the party’s flag (white sun on a blue sky), which dates from 1895, was incorporated into the ROC flag.
Source: Author

Chiang Kai-shek, longtime leader of the KMT and the Republic of China

Frank Hsieh Chang-ting
Source: wikipedia.org--original released under the GNU Free Documenation license by Rico Shen.

Outgoing Vice President Annette Lu Hsiu-lian
Source: wikipedia.org--original released under the GNU Free Documenation license by Rico Shen.

Vice President Elect Vincent Siew Wan-chang
Source: wikipedia.org--original released under the GNU Free Documenation license by Rico Shen.

Outgoing President Chen Shuibian
Source: wikipedia.org--original released under the GNU Free Documenation license by Rico Shen.