Various denominations of the euro, which replaced national currencies in most EU member nations

The EU Parliament meets in Strasbourg, France.

The Treaty of Lisbon, whose signatories are pictured here, was adopted by the EU in 2009 after years of torturous debate, public resistance, and revision.

The European Central Bank in Frankfurt, Germany, governs EU monetary policy.

This 2003 German stamp commemorates the 10th anniversary of the Maastricht Treaty.

These political posters reflect divided public opinion on EU governance. French voters rejected a European Constitution in 2005, and the draft constitution was later replaced by the Treaty of Lisbon.

The signing ceremony for the Treaty of Rome in 1957, establishing the European Economic Community

100,000 Greek citizens protest austerity measures in front of the Parliament building in Athens, 2011.

Jean Monnet, the French businessman considered by many to be the founding father of the EU

Robert Schuman, a German-French statesman who helped articulate the goals of uniting Europe

EU Commission President José Manuel Barroso had promised to “defend the euro, whatever it takes.”

Croatia recently joined the EU. Its flag hand here to the right of the EU flag.