WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in 2010
Source: Flickr/Espen Moe

The WikiLeaks logo
Source: http://wikileaks.org/

U.S. President George W. Bush and Egyptian President Mohammed Hosni Mubarak at the White House in 2002. 'President Mubarak has a long history of advancing peace and stability in the Middle East,' Bush said.
Source: White House photo by Eric Draper

A hanged effigy of Hosni Mubarak days before the Egyptian president was forced out of office in February 2011
Source: Flickr/monasosh

Children holding a sign criticizing then Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak in February 2011, days before he was removed from office
Source: Flickr/monasosh

A protest sign at a rally in Tahrir Square, Cairo, February 2011
Source: Flickr/Joseph Hill

A February 2011 protest in Cairo's Tahrir Square against the regime of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak
Source: Flickr/Joseph Hill

Australians rally in support of WikiLeaks, Bradley Manning and Julian Assange in December 2010
Source: Flickr/ Takver

A Los Angeles billboard supporting WikiLeaks, March 2011
Source: Flickr/Doran

An advertisement for a panel in Brussels on diplomacy after the WikiLeaks controversy in June 2011
Source: Flickr/Alberto Novi

A December 2010 Time magazine cover
Source: Time

A sign supporting Bradley Manning in Quantico Virginia, where he was earlier held in solitary confinement, in August 2010
Source: Flickr/mar is sea Y

The accused source of the WikiLeaks documents, Bradley Manning
Source: Bradley Manning Support Network

The Jay Treaty: George Washington reprimanded Alexander Hamilton for passing material to the British during negotiations in 1794
Source: Public Domain

A poster for the film: The Most Dangerous Man in America: Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers
Source: http://www.moviepostershop.com/

Computer programmers created this 'Flag of the Sovereign State of WikiLeaks,' saying 'Julian Assange and WikiLeaks need a country of their own.'
Source: Rixstep

Micah Sifry (left) and Daniel Ellsberg talk as WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange looks on in a video chat in June 2010
Source: Flickr/JD Lasica

Adm. William J. Fallon, then the commander of U.S. Central Command, meets with Yemeni President Ali Abdallah Saleh in 2007
Source: U.S. Navy

A 1947 image of U.S. diplomat George Kennan, who espoused the U.S. policy of containment of communism
Source: U.S. Library of Congress

Then U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney and President Ali Abdullah Saleh of Yemen discussing the fight against terrorism, March 14, 2002.
Source: White House

Sana'a, the capital of Yemen
Source: Flickr/ Ammar Abd Rabbo