Remembering Bhopal: The World's Worst Industrial Disaster

About this Episode

This presentation commemorates the 40th anniversary of the Bhopal Gas Disaster (2-3 December, 1984 in Bhopal, India), the world’s worst industrial disaster.  Dr. Madhumita Dutta discusses the disaster, the immediate and ongoing health repercussions for the people of Bhopal, and their global legal and activist fight for justice and corporate accountability.

Dr. Madhumita Dutta is Associate Professor in the Department of Geography at The Ohio State University.
Nicholas Breyfogle, Professor in the Department of History at The Ohio State University and Director of the Goldberg Center for Excellence in Teaching, serves as moderator.

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Madhumita Dutta , "Remembering Bhopal: The World's Worst Industrial Disaster" , Origins: Current Events in Historical Perspective

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