Students will be analyzing pictures and testimonies of people who have been impacted by the ethnic cleansing and conflict in Darfur, to better understand the importance of events such as these and how they impact a country and specifically its people such as how it has altered their lives. In this lesson, students will first unpack what they know about why genocides happen, through a Think, Pair, Share, to help introduce a more complex and serious topic. After this, students will be introduced to the topic through reviewing what the word ethnic cleansing means and a mini lecture on the background of Sudan and Darfur, Sudan. Once students have the background information, the foundation, students will then rotate through different stations to see the impact of the crisis on its people in Darfur. Students will have the opportunity to unpack what they are learning about and seeing through a class discussion. The goal for students, with their exit ticket and lesson, is to be able to explain why there has been ethnic cleansing in Darfur and how it has impacted its people. Students should be able to conclude that parts of colonialism and their president started and sustained this conflict in Sudan and that the ethnic cleansing has been brutal to its people in terms of killings and forcing its people to relocate.
Instructional Strategies:
- Think, Pair, Share
- Mini Lecture
- Stations
- Formative Assessment
Lesson Materials: