This lesson plan involves exploring abiotic and biotic factors in a biome that impact a species. To start this lesson, students will participate in a review game that covers definitions of biomes, factors (abiotic and biotic), examples of each, and a quick review of different salmon species. Once prior knowledge has been activated, the class will go through the day’s agenda and learning objectives before moving into their first activity. The first activity is a Gallery walk that includes five posters depicting different factors that impact the Pacific Salmon.They will also brainstorm any possible similar factors that would impact the native Ohio Walleye. As students provide their brainstorm ideas on notecards posted on the board, the teacher will organize student thoughts by similar ideas; once the brainstorm time is over, the class will come together to observe the similar ideas students came up with. This leads students into the Comparison Activity where they will be comparing known factors impacting Pacific Salmon to factors discovered using Ohio Department of Natural Resources and Ohio History websites. To conclude the lesson, students will answer questions on an exit ticket that recap the day’s objectives while also highlighting a future lesson subject regarding conservation and sustainability of species using the understanding of biotic and abiotic factors.
Instructional Strategies:
- Collaborative Learning
- Gallery Walk
- Brainstorm/Think-Pair-Share
- Comparison/Graphic Organizer Activity
Lesson Materials: