President Hugo Chávez in Prison

Away Imperialism

Toilet Paper Shortage

President Hugo Chávez

Nicolás Maduro

Arturo Uslar Pietri

Petróleos de Venezuela, SA Building

Cipriano Castro

Juan Vicente Gómez

Juan Vicente Gómez

Isaías Medina Angarita
Rómulo Betancourt

Marcos Pérez Jiménez

Pact of Punto Fijo
Social Christian Party

Caracazo Riots

Chávez Memorabilia

Partido Socialista Unido de Venezuela Meeting

Chávez Rally

Social Mission Class

Castro and Chávez

Empty Shelves

Shortage of Goods

Protesting Shortages

Protesting Political Prisoners

Why Venezuelans Protest

Venezuela Says No

Protesters and National Guard Clash