This lesson will examine Gavrilo Princip and his infamous assassination, often cited as the start to WW1. Students will analyze primary documents related to Princip, his Black Hand Group, and the Austrian Empire. Students will be put into groups that will determine which aspect they are researching. All of the groups have specific primary documents selected for them. The essential question they are going to be asking is, “Was Gavrilo Princip a heroic rebel fighting for his people’s independence or was he a puppet for a terrorist movement?” Each group will have to research and be prepared to present on their findings, as well as taking a stand.
Instructional Strategies:
- Think-Pair-Share
- Research & Discussion
- Take a Stand
- Group Synthesis
Lesson Materials:
Origins Content
Teaching Area
European History
War & Peace
Grade Level
Downloadable Files
Gavrilo Princip Lesson Plan.pdf
Gavrilo Princip Argument Prep Sheet.pdf
Gavrilo Princip Defense Sources.pdf
Gavrilo Princip Defense Source Questions.pdf
Gavrilo Princip Prosecution Sources.pdf
Gavrilo Princip Prosecution Source Questions.pdf
Gavrilo Princip Presentation.ppt