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Custis Lee (1832–1913) on horseback in front of the Jefferson Davis Memorial in Richmond, Virginia on June 3, 1907, reviewing Confederate Reunion Parade.

Trent Lott and the Collapse of Southern Mythology

… ghosts of Southern history have become important players in national politics. The fallout from Trent Lott’s tribute to … limited government to boast of how he had brought national largesse to Mississippi. In doing so, he …
Painted poster of Saddam Hussein riddled with bullet holes in 2003.

Hybrid Justice for Hussein

… should Saddam answer to — a domestic Iraqi court or an international tribunal? Washington wants to avoid creating … declined to ratify the 1998 Rome Statute creating the International Criminal Court, the United States does not want now … precedent for a domestic leader to be tried by an international institution. It fears that efforts to establish an …
Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife before their assassinations in Sarajevo.

The Enduring Lesson of Sarajevo

… In the Bosnian capital of Sarajevo in 1914, Serb nationalists assassinated the heir to the Austrian throne. … of Iraq. In seeking to contain one threat to international stability, we must take care, as those of the World … … History News Service … Europe … World War I / WWI … International Organizations … Diplomacy/International Relations … …
A girl stands amid the graves of 70 children on the outskirts of Dadaab. The long desert journey to the relief camps has claimed many lives.

Famine Strikes Again. Will America Respond?

… plight of Somali refugees.   The first challenge the international community faces is to gather enough resources to … and members of Congress have called for cuts in international food aid to help balance the budget.   There are … Lambers … History News Service … Food & Agriculture … International Organizations … Africa … Global/Transnational … …
Photo of the World Trade Towers after the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001.

The End of a “Safe America”

… Japanese would attack the West Coast in 1942 and that the Soviets would hit us with nuclear missiles during the Cold … represent freedom”) that often spring to our lips in international crises, including this one. Hatred that can … belligerent nation. It is time that we encouraged real international mediation in that crisis. Yes, we should remain a …
President Harry Truman in 1945.

Can This Election Produce Another Hundred Days?

… Fair Deal program, including a Social Security-based national health insurance system, became a casualty of both … has only worked for corporations and wealthy Americans. A national debt that was a trillion dollars in 1981 exceeds …
The 2011 edition of Austin Pride.

Gay Rights: Separate but Equal?

… later this year. Vermont did create the category of “civil union,” which gives gay couples who wish to have their … the same legal rights as married couples. But a civil union is not the same thing as a gay marriage: Vermont’s law …
Official Portrait of President Ronald Reagan and Nancy Reagan

“The Reagans”: The Spirit of Censorship Lives

… history. Ed Gillespie, chairman of the Republican National Committee, complained that the CBS script contains … novels, also, present only inspiring depictions of national figures? The emphasis on positive portrayals …
U.S. Marine Barracks in Lebanon

Ten Terrorists Attacks in History

… the most recent examples of terrorist violence to make international headlines. Terrorism, as opposed to ordinary … and bring to life the world’s first socialist state, the Soviet Union. 2. Irgun: Zionist terrorism Irgun’s bomb collapsed …
Cover of With Our Backs to the Wall Victory and Defeat in 1918 by David Stevenson.

The End of the War as They Knew It

Review of With Our Backs to the Wall: Victory and Defeat in 1918, by David Stevenson (Cambridge, M.A.: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2011)
… 1 An expert in World War I history and professor of international history at the London School of Economics and … Science, Stevenson succeeds in writing a nuanced, multinational study of the events in 1918. Stevenson grounds his … … World War I / WWI … Military/War/Peace … Diplomacy/International Relations … 20th Century … The End of the War as …
Cover of The Battle of Adwa African Victory in the Age of Empire by Raymond Jonas

When Ethiopia Stunned the World

Review of The Battle of Adwa: African Victory in the Age of Empire, by Raymond Jonas (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Belknap Press, 2011)
Bust of Abraham Lincoln.

Getting Wrong with Lincoln

… Lincoln script doctors. During the 1992 Republican national convention, former President Ronald Reagan …