Source: Laurence Thielemans

Youssou N'dour, the popular Senegalese singer who tried to run for president but had his candidacy rejected by the bureaucracy Source: Henryk Kotowski

Abdoulaye Wade at the World Economic Forum meeting in New York, 2002
Source: Marcel Bieri

Léopold Senghor, president of Senegal from 1960 to 1980
Source: photo©

Source: Ji-Elle

Abdou Diouf, president of Senegal from 1981 to 2000
Source: Mouvement des Entreprises de France

The Place de l’Indépendance in Dakar, Senegal
Source: photo by James E. Genova

Source: Erica Kowal

Source: Radoslaw Botev

Source: Jean-Claude Perez
Source: Archives of the Dominique Hymans family

Small scale fishing for local markets is visible throughout Senegal.
Source: photo by James E. Genova

Source: art by Green Eyez Design

Source: photo by Sandy Haessner

Hundreds of city names on woodblocks, created in support of EuroMaidan. Photo by Rudy Hightower, December 2013