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Sobaek Mountain

A Postcard from Yeongju, South Korea

… Sobaek Mountain mark the former borders between the Three Kingdoms of Korea: Goguryeo, Baekje, and Silla. The trails … Founded in 676 CE by Great Monk Uisang upon the order of King Munmu of the Silla Kingdom, the temple remains active today. With more than …
Cover of Sweet Land of Liberty: The Forgotten Struggle for Civil Rights in the North by Thomas J. Sugrue.

Movement North

Review of Sweet Land of Liberty: The Forgotten Struggle for Civil Rights in the North, by Thomas J. Sugrue (New York: Random House, 2008)
… "Rosa sat down, Martin stood up, and the white kids came down and saved the … moment on, African Americans looked to the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., for leadership and direction.  King inspired …
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. at the Civil Rights March on Washington in 1963.

Spring Marches on Washington

… rights March on Washington led by A. Philip Randolph and Martin Luther King, Jr., fixed our positive impression of such …
The Saint Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv, Ukraine.

Rus not Russia

… laid out historical claims to the territory of Ukraine, walking through a specious reading of history beginning with … war, and thus we need to understand the history he is talking about in order to correct Putin’s false claims that … it is turned into shows such as “Game of Thrones” and “Vikings,” but that of eastern Europe rarely registers on the …
Book cover of To Break Russia's Chains by Vladimir Alexandrov

Terrorism as the Path to a Better Russia

Review of To Break Russia’s Chains: Boris Savinkov and His Wars Against the Tsar and the Bolsheviks by Vladimir Alexandrov (New York: Pegasus Books, 2021)
… Russia, Savinkov was responsible for several spectacular assassinations, including the Governor General of Moscow, … and a published Silver Age author. A sketch of the assassination of Grand Duke Sergei, 1905. To Break Russia’s … point: Savinkov’s plans never seemed to succeed. The SR assassinations did not bring revolutionary change, nor did …
Barack Obama was inaugurated at the United States Capitol on January 20, 2009.

The Strong Wind at His Back

… in judging how the American people’s attitudes have been taking shape for decades.   Polls released in October suggest … many voters were willing to make the “dream” that Martin Luther King Jr. described in a memorable speech 45 years ago …
Storming the Bastille

Storming the Bastille (July 14, 1789)

… of despotism, is taken by the statue of the benevolent king Louis XVI in this engraving. Louis XVI was indeed … from food shortages and the weight of taxes used to pay King Louis XVI’s vast debts. And they found themselves in … which was stored in the Bastille. In this painting , the King (the lion) is constitutionally tamed, while the First …
This painting, which dates from 1859, reimagines the toppling of the equestrian statue of George III in New York City. Erected in 1770, the statue featured the regent garbed in Roman military regalia on horseback, in the fashion of Marcus Aurelius. It is doubtful that Native Americans, women and children were in attendance at this episode of iconoclasm by the Sons of Liberty.

Ten Memorable Monument Takedowns in History

… monuments memorializing the heroes of their conquests, working to promote stories about the past that legitimize their … The Reformation Statuary in the Cathedral of Saint Martin in Utrecht. The heads of these saints were … the Ten Commandments’ restriction of idolatry. After Martin Luther initiated what would become the Protestant …

The Year of Africa

… by Harold Macmillan, then Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, during his “Wind of Change” speech on February 3, … on the incomplete process of decolonization, as in famed Martiniquais poet Aimé Césaire’s play A Season in the Congo … Africa and its diaspora. Kwame Nkrumah and Martin Luther King Jr in Ghana. Throughout the 1960s , Civil Rights …
Egyptian Leader Gamal Abdel-Nasser

Egypt Once Again Bans the Muslim Brotherhood, Sixty Years Later

… down. When an assassin fired at him in 1954, Nasser was speaking at Manshiya Square in the Mediterranean city of … struggle with Egypt’s military government, which was seeking to eliminate its political opponents one by one. From … to move against him. Nasser’s speech during the failed assassination attempt was soon broadcast by radio throughout …
Seal of the United States National Archives and Records Administration. The seal is described in 36 C.F.R. § 1200.2 as: The seal is centered on a disc with a double-line border. The words NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION encircle the inside of the seal and the date 1985 is at the bottom center.

Downgrading the Founders

… Well, those great figures of American history are really taking it on the chin this time–and from an unlikely source, … War, and of Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony and Martin Luther King, Jr., all supported by NHPRC, are to be found in …
The South Carolina State Capitol.

Trent Lott Should Be History

… senior senator from South Carolina. "Longevity," as Martin Luther King said, "has its place." It is due some respect. Or Lott …
In 2014, the debate about the underlying causes of "long, hot summers" remerged with the high-profile police killings of Michael Brown, Tamir Rice, Eric Garner, and others.

Long Hot Summers and Separate Societies

Review of Separate and Unequal: The Kerner Commission and the Unraveling of American Liberalism, by Steven M. Gillon (New York: Basic Books, 2018)
… housing, education, and welfare as the remedy for riots. Looking back on that report, Stephen Gillon argues in Separate … findings, cities erupted in rage over the murder of Martin Luther King, Jr. The real novelty of Separate and Unequal …
Philippoteaux - Lamartine in front of the Town Hall of Paris rejects the red flag.

The Challenges of 1848 Reprised in the Middle East Today

… of the modern Middle East had forerunners in the kingdoms and empires that ruled in Europe in the … in theory.  In practice, citizens face the problem that Martin Luther King once highlighted in a different context in his …
Ali, left, walking through the streets of Kinshasa in 1974.

The Rumble in the Jungle

… by an as-yet unknown promoter from Cleveland named Don King, a former numbers banker whose only previous fight … exhibition featuring Ali on behalf of a Cleveland hospital. King was charming and charismatic enough to convince each … fighter to sign a fight guarantee for $5 million apiece. King obtained these signatures without having yet obtained …
Emperor Süleyman

Süleyman the Magnificent

… lands for his empire. When Süleyman was made sultan, his kingdom encompassed the peoples and territories of the … In 1526, he also scored a decisive victory against the Kingdom of Hungary and its allies at the Battle of Mohács, during which Hungary's King Louis the Second (r.1516-1526) lost his life. His death …
An influenza hospital at Camp Funston

The 1918 Flu Pandemic

… eight million Spaniards succumbed to the disease. Even the King of Spain, Alfonso XIII, caught influenza in 1918. King Alfonso XIII of Spain (r. 1886-1931) The standard … an important legacy in the history of medicine. Beyond shocking tolls, the pandemic inspired a surge in biomedical …

America's "Big Brother": A Century of U.S. Domestic Surveillance

… internet.” President Barack Obama condemned Snowden for leaking, claiming there were other, official channels through … list included Jane Fonda, Joan Baez, Benjamin Spock, and Martin Luther King, Jr., among others. In 1969, the NSA formalized …
A portrait of Slobodan Milosevic

Glory and the New World Order

… like crazy men. What could they possibly gain from provoking the United States? In military terms it makes as much sense as poking a 500-pound gorilla with a cocktail stick. The problem … less than everlasting glory. For hundreds of years the kings of Europe sought glory through a combination of …

'The World's Worst Humanitarian Crisis': Understanding the Darfur Conflict

… ethnic and linguistic groups. They include non-Arabic speaking groups such as the Fur, Masalit, Zaghawa, Tunjur, and Daju as well as Arabic-speaking such as Rizaiqat, Missairiyya, Ta`isha, Beni Helba, and … than an ethnic label, for the majority of the Arabic speaking groups are pastoralists. On the other hand, most of the …