On August 25th, 1944, Paris was liberated after more than four years of Nazi occupation.
After a devasting fire in Rome in 64 CE, Emperor Nero successfully rebuilt the city.
When it was over, the populations of Europe, China, and India were cut by a third to a half.
Germ theory helped to usher in the widespread use of cloth masks.
Soon after SARS was discovered, labs around the world shared information in search of a cure.
Estimates suggest that this flu claimed as many as 50 million lives around the world between 1918 and 1919.
The first “Woman’s Day” celebration was organized by the U.S. Socialist Party in Chicago on May 2, 1908.
The origins of vaccination lie in the practice of variolation, which was used to protect against smallpox.
The massacre and continued police brutality were turning points in Indian anti-colonialism.
In 1947, British-ruled India was divided into two separate, independent states.
Bolshevik Red Guards took control of the Russian capital from the provisional government October 1917.
She wrote “The Declaration of Rights and Sentiments,” outlining the ways in which men held women in “absolute tyranny.”
Las Casas became an important figure in the development of ideas of human rights.
It was the spark that emboldened the people’s movement to overthrow King Louis XVI.
The man we celebrate today is not the man who lost his life on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel in 1968.
There are an estimated 917 hate groups currently active in the U.S.
Walls have a decidedly mixed record in achieving their goals to keep some people in and others out.
On January 20, 1793, the deputies decreed Louis’ guilt and his punishment by death.
The Normandy Invasion on June 6, 1944 remains today one of the best known campaigns of the WWII.
The fictional story of Wakanda has real historical origins in nuclear-age Congo.
Historical examples suggest climate change will aggravate political instability, poverty, and conflict.