Ian Smith signing the Unilateral Declaration of Independence on November 11, 1965

Victoria Falls, at the end of the Upper Zambezi and start of the Mid Zambezi, September 2003
Source: Public Domain (Vberger)

Source: Fair Use assumed for academic, non-profit purposes

Zimbabwe Market
Source: Public Domain

Jenni Williams (Left) and Magodonga Mahlangu (Center) of WOZA receiving the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Award from President Barack Obama
Source: RFK Center

The Rhodes Colossus: Cecil Rhodes after he announced plans for a telegraph and rail line from Cape Town to Cairo in 1892
Source: Public Domain, Project Gutenberg

A roadsign welcoming travelers to Zimbabwe
Source: Public Domain

From left, Bokani Nleya, Jenni Williams, Tracy Leigh Doig and Magodonga Mahlangu from WOZA with their Human Rights award, November 2008
Source: Public Domain

U.S. Undersecretary of State Paula Dobriansky and Jennifer Williams with her International Women of Courage Award, 2007
Source: Public Domain (U.S. State Department)
Demonstration against Robert Mugabe's regime next to the Zimbabwe embassy in London, August 2006
Source: Creative Commons (Two Wings)

Rural Women carrying crops in Zimbabwe
Source: Public Domain (FAO/UN)

Bishop Abel Muzorewa signs the Lancaster House Agreement seated next to British Foreign Minister Lord Peter Carrington, 1979