Needs of the Highway System, 1955-1985

The Monkey System

Hollywood Freeway Opening

Valhalla Train Crash

I-35 Bridge Collapse

First Bank of the United States

Eisenhower Interstate System

A New Map for Travelers

Availability of Broadband Networks

First Transcontinental Railroad
Last of the Horse Drawn Carriages

Sears, Roebuck & Co.

Rural Free Delivery

Montgomery Ward & Co.

Surfacing the Yolo Causeway

Aftermath of Inflation

Veterans—Prepare For Your Future

Remodel for Veterans

U.S. Births: 1940-1980

Vehicle Assembly Building

Routes To Be Added

Eisenhower and Interstate Highway

High Five Interchange

U.S. Oil Production and Imports

Oil Shortage

Earth Day Teach-In

Senator Edmund Muskie

U.S. Federal Debt as a Percent of GDP
Petroleum Use and Urban Density

Occupy Wall Street Protestor

ARPANET Transmission

Web Index Scores

First Server

Internet of Things

Orchard Pond Parkway

Chicago Skyway
Pope Field Control Tower

John F. Kennedy International Airport Air Traffic Control Tower

President Barack Obama