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Feminism in Egypt: New Alliances, Old Debates

… political changes transformed the lives of men and women in Egypt . First, with the slogan “bread, freedom and social justice,” the Egyptian Revolution of 2011 brought together a wide range of … authoritarian politics and repression. In a mere 18 days, Egyptians—women and men, young and old, Christian and …

Who Owns the Nile? Egypt, Sudan, and Ethiopia’s History-Changing Dam

… from Stratfor, the Texas security company, revealing Egyptian and Sudanese plans to build an airstrip for bombing a dam in the Blue Nile River Gorge in Ethiopia. The Egyptian and Sudanese governments denied the reports. … of threats and conflicts in the Nile River Basin. Downriver Egypt and Sudan argue that they have historic rights to the …
Egyptian Leader Gamal Abdel-Nasser

Egypt Once Again Bans the Muslim Brotherhood, Sixty Years Later

… Gamal Abdel-Nasser ( below ), the prime minister of Egypt. That attempt prompted a massive crackdown against the … later, there is a sense of déjà vu, because the current Egyptian government is again determined to eliminate the … sovereignty for his country. The British occupation of Egypt, which had begun in 1882, had still not ended, since …
Members of the Free Officers welcomed by crowds in Cairo in January 1953.

The Egyptian Middle Class Is Disgruntled. Again.

… During the current popular uprising in Egypt, foreign correspondents in Cairo have often remarked … of the demonstrations may be the economic plight of the Egyptian middle class.   The roots of that economic plight reach back to the 1940s.  Ironically, Egypt's educated elites have been trapped for 60 years by an …
Israeli troops during the battle for the Sinai

The Suez Crisis (1956)

… power. The emergency culminated in October, with a war in Egypt that briefly threatened hostilities on a global scale. The crisis began on July 26, when Egyptian Premier Gamal Abdel Nasser nationalized the Suez … to garner the profits the company earned in his country. Egyptian supporters cheer President Gamal Abdel Nasser. …
Israeli Prime Minister, Levi Eshkol

Six Days That Shook The World

Review of The Six Day War: The Breaking of the Middle East, by Guy Laron (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2017)
… When Egypt closed the Straits of Tiran to Israeli shipping in May … border, Israel responded with preventive strikes against Egypt launching the Six-Day War. It is fair to say that even … Laron discusses how the economic turmoil in Syria and Egypt in the 1950s and 1960s created the conditions for …
Israeli soldiers stand around their tanks during the Yom Kippur War.

The Yom Kippur War and the OPEC Oil Embargo

… Kippur War erupted in the Middle East when Anwar Sadat’s Egypt and Hafez al-Assad’s Syria launched a joint attack on … made peace impossible.  During the Six-Day War of 1967 , Egypt lost the Sinai Peninsula to Israel and Syria forfeited … Heights. Both nations desired to retake these locations. Egypt and Syria chose the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur to …
Palestinians during the first intifada, 1987. (Photo by Peter Stepan)

The Long Shadow of the June 1967 War

… on this month’s 50 th anniversary of the war. Israeli and Egyptian forces clashing during the Six Day War, 1967. The … secured its independence by defeating invading armies from Egypt , Jordan, Syria , Lebanon, and Iraq and suppressing … and France, to secure its southeastern border by invading Egypt and causing the downfall of Egyptian President Gamal …
Paratroopers of teh 2nd RPC firing a 106 mm SR recoilless gun at an Egyptian resistance point on an Egyptian resistance point in Port Said

The Suez Crisis (1956)

In July 1956, the international order was disrupted by the Suez Crisis, a complicated imbroglio marked by the intersection of European decolonization, the Arab-Israeli conflict, the Cold War, and the growth of U.S. power.
… The crisis began on July 26, when Egyptian Premier Gamal Abdel Nasser nationalized the Suez … East … Diplomacy/International Relations … Cold War … Egypt … Global/Transnational … The Suez Crisis (1956) …

Two Popes and a Primate: The Changing Face of Global Christianity

… 4, 2012, the Coptic Orthodox Church (based in Cairo, Egypt) elected its new pope, Tawadros (Theodoros) II, to … which today includes perhaps 18 million adherents in Egypt and around the world. In 2012, following a mourning … (although he is based in Cairo) and “Patriarch of All Egypt.” The huge congregation erupted in applause. The …
Diocletian's Camp in Palmyra

Understanding the Middle East

… in the History Department. I study early 19th century Egypt, specifically the role of Muslim scholars in political … but there's a great video on YouTube with the amazing Egyptian novelist, Alaa Al Aswany, who said quite pointedly … powers of the region are now Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Israel. And starting with Turkey, I would say …
A crowd of protesters at night in Sudan

Sudan: Popular Protests, Today and Yesterday

… of Sudan, read our feature article, Who Owns the Nile? Egypt, Sudan, and Ethiopia’s History-Changing Dam . Be sure … which is the Sudanese version of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, and immediately moved on to try to establish what … a dichotomy that exists between the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and the Muslim Brotherhood in Sudan. For example, the …
Cover of Alexander the Great: A Life in Legend by Richard Stoneman.

Alexander the Great: A Life in Legend

Review of Alexander the Great: A Life in Legend, by Richard Stoneman (New Haven/London: Yale University Press, 2008)
… that met the needs and outlooks of the narrating culture (Egyptian, Persian, Arabic, Byzantine, etc.). The book is … beginning with a look at Alexander's birth and focusing on Egyptian and Persian traditions. In antiquity the birth of a … All of these are present in the Alexander legends. The Egyptian tradition, for example, credited Nectanebo, the …
U.S. Marine Barracks in Lebanon

Ten Terrorists Attacks in History

… the Moro case continues to haunt Italian politics. 5. The Egyptian Islamic Jihad and President Anwar Sadat 12 people were kiled and 28 injured when assassins from Egyptian Islamic Jihad attacked Anwar Sadat’s review stand … 6, 1981. On October 6, 1981,  President Anwar Sadat of Egypt  was assassinated by members of Egyptian Islamic …
Sheikha Mozah

Beyond the Veil: Women in the Mideast and North Africa

… some of them, some of the Islamic women that I talked to in Egypt, even, they find scholarly obsession with veil not … the upper-class women. It was a class issue, and also Egyptian women back in that day did not veil. So as Johanna … common at all. It waxes and wanes. So your question about Egypt in 1919, when the Egyptian women were helping with the …

Avoiding the Scourge of War: The Challenges of United Nations Peacekeeping

… (UNEF I) mission that was deployed to the Sinai region of Egypt from 1956 to 1967. Trial in the Sinai On October 29, 1956, Israel invaded the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt and quickly advanced westward toward the Suez Canal, which Egypt had nationalized in July to the consternation of Great …

The Year of Africa

… of Ethiopia, Haile Selassie, sits with the President of Egypt, Gamal Abdel Nasser, in Addis Ababa during the … walls during construction (right). The Aswan High Dam in Egypt is another example. Funded by the Soviet Union, it was … Nile floodwater to be controlled and stored) and to Egyptian independence from British “influence,” …

From Gaza to Jerusalem: Is the Two State Solution under Siege?

… of regular meetings, scheduled to begin September 14-15 in Egypt. As in previous efforts at peace, arriving at a … is reflected in the fact that from 1948 to 1973 Israel and Egypt fought four wars, and the Israel-Egypt fighting was just one of several theaters of the …
Egyptian Prime Minister Anwar Sadat, U.S. President Jimmy Carter, and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin signing the Camp David Peace Accords on September 17, 1978.

Can Sharon Too Become a Peacemaker?

… Prime Minister Menachem Begin, for example, joined with Egyptian Prime Minister Anwar Sadat to respond to U.S. … 1977. The accords led to a peace treaty between Israel and Egypt that none of Begin’s opponents, previous Labor Party … for Israel and forge a strategically valuable peace with Egypt, the largest Arab country, by making concessions he …

Syria's Islamic Movement and the 2011-12 Uprising

… the Muslim Brotherhood, a movement that had originated in Egypt sixteen years earlier. In 1946, shortly after French … These included the Syrian Communist Party, supporters of Egypt's President Gamal 'Abd al-Nasir, and the Arab … members welcomed Syria's 1961 secession from the Egypt-dominated United Arab Republic , which had been set up …
Judas kissing Jesus

The Gospel of Judas: The Rediscovery of the Earliest Gnostic Gospel

… monasticism, Gnosticism biblical interpretation, and Egyptian Christianity. He's the author of several books, … with three other books in the late 1970s near Al Minya in Egypt.  The other three books found in the cave near Al … nearly all historians agree that the text found in Egypt is a Coptic translation of the gospel that Irenaeus …

Sudan in Crisis

… northern Sudanese Islamist group that defeated the Turco-Egyptian forces occupying the region since 1821. In 1898, however, the United Kingdom and Egypt conquered the Sudanese Mahdist state and instituted … it instituted a “divide-and-rule” policy. The UK and Egypt ruled present-day Sudan and South Sudan through a dual …