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Displaying 433 - 456 of 1227
photo of FDR.

Picking Up Where FDR Left Off

… became concrete reality in institutions such as the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the World Trade … Economics/Business/Trade … U.S. Laws and Legislation … International Organizations … Picking Up Where FDR Left Off …
A map of the US night sky, showing points of population density

Fault Lines: The Urban-Rural Divide in America

… presidential campaign, which brought rural America into the national spotlight. While urban areas tended to be … on issues like the economy, gun control, abortion and international trade -- issues which helped to launch Donald Trump … said that even while, you know, we were creating a kind of national mythos of Yeomen farms and agricultural production, …
Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walking on the moon in 1969 with the American flag behind them.

Thirty Years since Apollo 11

… for tax dollars. Apollo was a political triumph for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the United … believe, the early 1960s saw the United States and the then Soviet Union fiercely engaged in the Space Race as part of the Cold …
Wedding rings.

Getting Government Out of Marriage, and Vice Versa

… Supreme Judicial Court decision legalizing same-sex unions threatens hallowed traditions, firmly established in … are mute about gay marriage. Males in a homosexual union are at least less likely than straight husbands to … when couples decided to seek recognition for their union, it was from the clergy, not the government’s fee …

The Hajj and Europe

… Statistics on Muslim populations in the European Union . In Britain, for instance, the Foreign and … French government posts a consul in Jeddah to help French nationals making the hajj. The most recent consul, a convert … continent. At the same time, the disintegration of the Soviet Union in the 1990s—hailed by many as the belated …
From left to right, Secretary of State Colin L. Powell, Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld, National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice, and Vice President Dick B. Cheney having a working lunch in 2007.

Foreign Policy Doesn’t Need a Mandate

… Although Wilson wanted to create a peaceful international political order based on the rule of law, he … Agreement, which significantly lessened tensions with the Soviet Union, and holding together NATO while blunting French …

Punishing the Past: Presidential Elections in Times of Crisis (1932, 1968, 2008)

… elections in American history that came at a moment of national crisis, 2008 will likely be a referendum on what … of this punishment function at work during moments of national crisis. In the election of 1932, the electorate … FDR did, however, brilliantly capture the shift in the national mood. His personality, and the personality of the …

Singapore at Fifty

… rigs deployed globally, and it is the third largest international foreign exchange (FOREX) hub. Commentators have … region as part of its grand strategy in confronting the Soviet Union. After 1949,  China  grew increasingly insular. This …
President George W. Bush in 2004.

When the Axis Was Truly Evil

… Bush’s widely publicized reference in his State of the Union address to an “axis of evil” has frightened and … balloon for a much bigger war in the name of fighting international terrorism. If that is true, Americans must examine … Britain, France and the United States, destroy the Soviet Union and “international Communism” and establish a …

'The Energy of a Bright Tomorrow': The Rise of Nuclear Power in Japan

… is the only disaster to share the worst rating on the International Nuclear Events scale, best estimates place the … of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, fallout from the testing of Soviet nuclear weapons, and the Lucky Dragon Incident of … and trust between the United States and the Soviet Union. Eventually, the demand for nuclear materials for …
Plumes of smoke billow from the World Trade Center towers in Lower Manhattan, New York City, after a Boeing 767 hits each tower during the September 11 attacks.

Security May Be Too Expensive

… violation of civil liberties in the name of national security. In the administration’s proposed … indefinitely if the government regards them as a risk to national security or wants to question them. The government … must know as surely as they can that the life of the union is at risk. The Mobilization Against Terrorism Act has …
Heads of delegations at the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP21), which led to the signing of the Paris Agreement.

Looking for a Common Language at Copenhagen

… the summit’s composition best resembles a hodgepodge of national-or what in the United States are called … invention. It was applied bilaterally: the leaders of the Soviet Union and the United States would parley from their …
Monti's parents receive his Medal of Honor from President Barack Obama during a ceremony in the White House, September 17, 2009.

Leave the Medal of Honor Alone!

… been presented. Some believe the number is too low. In the National Defense Authorization Act for 2010, the Department …
Reinforcing Omaha Beach with men and equipment

Remembering D-Day: 10 Important Facts to Know

… Axis forces retreating on all fronts. On the Eastern Front, Soviet forces had gained an undisputed advantage over the … and the Balkans to erode German military strength. The Soviets simply wanted a sizeable second front against the … against Nazi Germany; that success belongs to the Soviet Union. Raging since June 1941, the Eastern Front witnessed …
 Pinterest Hien Luong Bridge - Ben Hai River, Quang Tri, Vietnam

Vietnam Revisited: Forty Years after the Paris Peace Accord

… division of the country at the 17th parallel but promised national elections within two years’ time. Determined to … helped end the war. Special guests from Egypt, the former Soviet Union, China, Venezuela, Italy, and France attended these …
Refugee tents in Piraeus port.

A Postcard from a Piraeus Refugee Camp

… already beleaguered Greek state, bolstered by the European Union , struggles to deal with this massive influx, … period in the refugee crisis . On March 18th, the European Union and Turkey signed an agreement beefing up Turkish … Stone House. The refugees were separated by gender and by nationality: lines for men and women, and Syrians/Iraqis and …

Caged: Humans and Animals at the Zoo

… Dr. Tracy McDonald an Associate Professor of Russian and Soviet history, also at McMaster University. Her areas of … Thank you. Tracy, you've looked at zoos in the Soviet Union. How's the history of zoos in other parts of the world …   … Jessica Viñas-Nelson … Brenna Miller … Global/Transnational … Animals … Education … Environment … Caged: Humans …

Updating ‘No Child Left Behind:’ Change, or More of the Same

… authority." Likewise, Dennis Van Roekel, president of the National Education Association (NEA), sees "too much … to excuse-making "traditionalists"—that is, teachers, their unions, and other supposed defenders of a failed system. The … an effective teacher in every classroom (and fewer union restrictions on firing ineffective ones); expansion of …
American Anti-Slavery Society, 1837

Revisiting Long Histories of the Reparations Debate

Review of Reparations for Slavery and The Slave Trade: A Transnational and Comparative History, by Ana Lucia Araujo (New York City: Bloomsbury Academic Press, 2017)
… The controversy surrounding reparations—about whether national governments owe apologies for transatlantic … Reparations for Slavery and the Slave Trade: A Transnational and Comparative History chronicles the history of … formerly enslaved individuals, activists, and international organizations for reparations from post-slave …

Child Kidnapping in America

… his parents were able to turn Charley's abduction into a national cause and to bring their plight and their son's story to national attention. They did so because they were well … P. T. Barnum. The Rosses were also able to use the Western Union Telegraph Company to follow leads from many places …