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Displaying 289 - 312 of 1226
School Lunch Politics: The Surprising History of America's Favorite Welfare Program, by Susan Levine Book Cover

Playing Politics with Our Children's Health

Review of School Lunch Politics: The Surprising History of America's Favorite Welfare Program, by Susan Levine (Princeton University Press, 2008)
… most popular social welfare programs." (p. 2). Indeed, the National School Lunch Program has been loved and hated by … II, Levine argues that nutrition was viewed as "a matter of national defense." National security during the war and postwar eras depended …
1864 depiction of the Fort Pillow Massacre in Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper

Ten Moments of White Supremacist Violence in U.S. History

… re-emerged in 1915 at Stone Mountain, GA and grew into a national organization in the 1920s. During the Civil Rights … Illustrated Newspaper ( right ). In response to the Union Army’s enlistment of black men, Confederate President … captured black troops as slave insurrectionists. White Union troops were to be taken as prisoners of war, but black …
Flag of Israel with landscape of Israel in the background

Leaving Zion: Jewish Emigration from Palestine and Israel after World War II

… Europe and the Americas, Yehudai provides a fresh transnational perspective on the critical period surrounding the … and the Americas, Dr. Yehudai provides a fresh, transnational perspective on the critical period surrounding the … the boundaries may put themselves in conflict with the national project. And because of national anxieties, …
This Dutch UNPROFOR observation post in Srebrenica took heavy fire from Bosnian Serb troops in 1995.

Srebrenica and its Memory

In July 1995, in the final days of the Bosnian War, over 8,000 Bosnian Muslim men and boys were killed in the Srebrenica massacre.
… reminder of the dynamics and consequences of extreme nationalism, the long legacies that acts of violence leave … Bosnia’s secession triggered a sharp intensification of nationalist rhetoric among the republic’s political … and rump Yugoslavia. As the conflict spread, divisive nationalist rhetoric and acts of mass violence escalated …
Large group of suffragists on steps

One Hundred Years of Women and the Vote

… Party, were two major organizations that were the earliest national organizations to support women's suffrage. So it … who initially worked with suffrage organizations like the National Association. So that was like Susan B, Anthony and … from the anti-slavery movement, the WCTU ... the Temperance Union. And it heightens the idea that women and women voters …
A red AIDS ribbon outlined in candles

The Global History of HIV

… in part, by Ohio Humanities, a state affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities. Any views, findings, … in Western allies and was potentially open to the Soviet Union. And also the wealth, the mining wealth in Congolese …
Mata Hari (1876-1917).

Top Ten Origins: Spies, Lies, and Moles: Oh My!

… established the secret service in London in 1573, the first national intelligence organization in England’s history. … a network that aided in the escape of hundreds of Union prisoners and Confederate deserters. The Richmond … President Harry S. Truman only shared the information with Soviet Premier Josef Stalin, part of the wartime alliance, …
Man at march holding sign that reads "Make America NATIVE Again"

Indigenous Peoples' Day: A Conversation

… So Indigenous Peoples Day marks that turn towards internationalism. But then, of course, it gets taken up in the … only provide an Indigenous perspective of, you know, the national holiday of Thanksgiving. But they really felt seen …

The Summer of ’10: Federal Power, Local Autonomy, and the Struggle over Immigration Policy

… rights movement, Governor Orval Faubus dispatched Arkansas National Guard troops to prevent black students from … recent nativist statute, after the American Civil Liberties Union, NAACP, Mexican-American Legal Defense Fund and others … about the optimal degree of local autonomy in a system of national immigration rules, date to the very beginnings of …
Cover of The End of the West: The Once and Future Europe by David Marquand

The End of the World as We Know It?

Review of The End of the West: The Once and Future Europe, by David Marquand (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2011)
… since 1945: How that idea helped to construct the European Union; what its chief architects wanted the E.U. to be; what … twentieth century - the deliberate construction of a supranational European Community, based on law rather than force, … countries now includes 27 member states. The European Union's population stands at 500 million with a combined GDP …
Nazis at Marienplatz in Munich during the 1923 Beer Hall Putsch.

Hitler’s Beer Hall Putsch and Weimar’s Resolve

… to overthrow the Bavarian government and establish a new nationalist regime. Often cited as a watershed moment in the rise of National Socialism, Hitler’s brazen plan to overthrow the … occupation of the Ruhr by Franco-Belgian forces, stoking nationalist resentments.  The economy, already in shambles, …
Harper's Weekly illustration

Top Ten Contested Political Conventions

… Today’s national political conventions are mostly infomercials. The … political movement. They had a problem: many plausible national opponents of President Jackson were themselves … and disempowered more traditional constituencies like labor unions and urban political machines. This led to marathon …

From Fat Cats to Egg Heads: The Changing American "Elite"

… top right ). A sign supporting Britain leaving the European Union ( bottom left ). A 2016 London rally in favor of remaining in the European Union ( bottom right ). Whatever else they may or may not … until 1920.) Men looking at the window display of the National Anti-Suffrage Association in Washington, D.C. in …
wind turbines

Energy Policy: How is the “Long Transition” from Fossil Fuels Doing?

… uncertainties in the Middle East and elsewhere, and national economies reacting to worldwide recession, American … in order to keep prices up.  About 80 percent of the Saudi national budget is paid for with oil receipts, and as the … the transition to a green energy economy.  Indeed, the International Energy Agency predicts that is what will happen. …
John Muir, the founder of the Sierra Club.

Conservation — An American, and Republican, Tradition

… shown little understanding of conservation as a historic national project that involves more than just turning off … and some settler groups, conservation first gained national political significance in the fall of 1901. Gifford … and Roosevelt linked these concerns together and launched a national campaign to conserve America’s forests, rivers, …

Interracial Marriage in "Post-Racial" America

… who in turn referred her to the American Civil Liberties Union. The ACLU appealed the Lovings’ conviction, arguing … relationships, however, did not pertain to Native-English unions but to ones colonial leaders feared would upend the … groups or to prohibit marriage among different European nationalities. An Asian American and an African American …
Print depicting the USS Olympia firing on the Spanish fleet during the Battle of Manila Bay on May 1, 1898.

Top Ten Origins: Puerto Rico and the United States

… adhering to U.S. laws. The U.S. maintained control of international affairs including trade, defense, immigration, and … Washington, D.C. on April 22, 1952. 4. Puerto Rican First: Nationalism and Nationalist Opposition The flag of Puerto Rico, adopted in …
George H. W. Bush Speaking in St. Louis, 1988. Behind him is Missouri Governor John Ashcroft.

The Danger of Scaring the Voters

… Bush’s vice president, his secretary of defense, and his national security advisor have all publicly likened the war … public support for a seemingly endless struggle against the Soviets. He and his advisers pondered how to shore up the … enemy. Bush took a similar tack in his 2004 State of the Union speech, decrying Americans who “believe that the …
Chinese nuclear bomb on display in China.

A Danger Shared by All

… Treaty of 2002. But will he be able to help forge an international consensus to stifle nuclear proliferation and push … … William Lambers … History News Service … Global/Transnational … Nuclear Power & Weapons … Diplomacy/International Relations … China … A Danger Shared by All …
Israeli Prime Minister, Levi Eshkol

Six Days That Shook The World

Review of The Six Day War: The Breaking of the Middle East, by Guy Laron (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2017)
… and providing much detail, Guy Laron, a scholar of international relations at Jerusalem’s Hebrew University, offers … governments, and insufficient pressures by the U.S. and Soviet superpowers to deter regional military violence. … intended to draw Egypt and potentially even the Soviet Union into the conflict. The fact that Nasser’s hawkish …
Fidel Castro in 1959

Easing Up on Cuba

… had been broken, the Cold War was at its peak, and the Soviet Union had become Cuba’s patron, pouring billions annually … agreed to games between the Baltimore Orioles and the Cuban national team. Still, most Americans cannot visit Cuba …
The Taras Shevchenko monument in Borodyanka, Ukraine damaged by the Russian attack, April 2022.

Taras Shevchenko, Poet of Ukraine

… his family and members of his nation. He painted Ukrainian national landscapes and historical sites in an album he … that briefly led to the first-ever independent Ukraine, the Soviet state tried to co-opt the idea and legacy of … of peoples.” Statues of Shevchenko were built in the Soviet era, including the well-known one in the center of …