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Displaying 937 - 960 of 1227
Free speech march at Ohio State University in the mid-20th century

Politics and Protest on College Campuses

… speakers. The controversy today seems to be over white nationalists and some of the ultra, right people, and the … consulting with the campus president and ordered the National Guard to restore order. There was a peaceful … be Monday, May 4, at about noon, students did gather, the National Guard told him that the protest was unlawful under …
Cover of Sexual Injustice Supreme Court Decisions from Griswold to Roe by Marc Stein.

The Sexual Revolution that Wasn’t Quite

Review of Sexual Injustice: Supreme Court Decisions from Griswold to Roe, by Marc Stein (University of North Carolina Press)
… personality' provisions of the 1952 Immigration and Nationality Act." What does this tell us about the Court … the legislative intent behind the 1952 Immigration and Nationality Act is decidedly less clear.  Stein points to …

Cops and Robbers? The Roots of Anti-Doping Policies in Olympic Sport

… entire Russian athletic federation be suspended from international competition – including, potentially, the 2016  … Russia also to recommend serious action against the International Association of Athletics Federations, which … and the team’s physician John Ziegler were convinced that Soviet weightlifters were gaining an advantage from steroid …
Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo and Chairman Kim Jong Un of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea attend a working lunch in Pyongyang, Democratic People's Republic of Korea on October 7, 2018.

Kim Jong-un and the “Madman Theory” of Diplomacy

… asking. Kim appears to be employing a dark strain in international diplomacy known as the madman theory, which is most … fight. Nixon aide Leonard Garment gave a similar message to Soviet officials in Moscow, telling them Nixon could be “a … a novel of the Cuban Missile Crisis. He was formerly a national security analyst at Harvard University. … Harvey …
Vaccination team member giving a cholera vaccine in Cerca Carvajal, 2013.

Cholera and the Roots of Public Health

… in part, by Ohio Humanities, a state affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities. Any views, findings, … in this content do not necessarily represent those of the National Endowment for the Humanities. … Jim Harris … Connecting History … Europe … Global/Transnational … Public Health, Disease, and Medicine … Pandemics …
Patrick Henry Addressing the Virginia Assembly. Lithograph from the painting by A. Chappal. Engraved by H. B. Hall.

A Time to Listen

… for liberty. Henry's and Mason's loss secured the union. Their insistence on individual liberties helped …
Cover of Sweet Land of Liberty: The Forgotten Struggle for Civil Rights in the North by Thomas J. Sugrue.

Movement North

Review of Sweet Land of Liberty: The Forgotten Struggle for Civil Rights in the North, by Thomas J. Sugrue (New York: Random House, 2008)
… to fight for economic security, especially through unionization. In the 1940s, the fight against fascism abroad … freedom struggle as civil rights activists adopted an international focus, linking the black American experience to … from radical to moderate and from integrationists to nationalists, often disagreed with one another about goals …
The Statue of Liberty during the June 10, 2021 solar eclipse.

Solar Eclipses in American History

… the New Englander nevertheless depicted it “as an emblem of national judgments,” foretelling “political darkness” on a … four billion global citizens are set to vote in over 50 national elections, including a divisive U.S. presidential …
American soldier conducting patrol with an Iraqi soldier.

What the Vietnam War Tells Us About Iraq

… of all for President Bush. Citizen troops — reservists and National Guard personnel — form a significant share of … Iraq. Until now, President Bush has shunned international administration there because it might require … attitude in the White House may prevent meaningful international help now. Still, assistance from the UN would allow …

The Politics of International Adoption

… of data to discuss what I see as the significance of international adoption. However, I want to begin with a single … of the Times , it is not news. In the long run, all international humanitarian intervention – medical assistance, … view of adoption has guided state, federal and indeed international law. The prevailing legal norm is called "the best …
soldiers in Iraq

Can Iraq Learn to Live in Peace?

… disarmament clauses of the Versailles treaty in 1936. International reaction was mixed but ultimately limited to a few … … History News Service … Middle East … Iraq … Global/Transnational … Diplomacy/International Relations … Japan … Germany … Can Iraq Learn to …
Portrait of Francisco Franco in 1964 from Biblioteca Virtual de Defensa

The Death of Franco

… brought to the fore. During the war, Franco’s so-called Nationalist forces pursued a campaign of systematic … The grave contains 26 republicans who were killed by nationalists in August-September 1936 . Taken together, … rights violations. Although illegal under current international regulations, Spain’s Amnesty Law has remained in …
Cover of Alexander the Great: A Life in Legend by Richard Stoneman.

Alexander the Great: A Life in Legend

Review of Alexander the Great: A Life in Legend, by Richard Stoneman (New Haven/London: Yale University Press, 2008)
… to us via Firdausi's Shahnameh (Book of Kings), Persia's national epic written in the tenth century. Here Alexander's … Greek folklore, noting that even today Alexander lives as a national figure in Greek culture and politics. Stoneman's …
Glacial ice on Lake Baikal

Climate Change and Human Life

… in mind. One is an actual proposal that is before the International Commission on Stratigraphy, that is the group of … … Leticia R. Wiggins … Patrick R. Potyondy … Global/Transnational … Climate Change … Environment … Climate Change and …
Photo of a healthcare worker holding an elderly person's hand.

Ducking Out on Retiree Benefits

… largest companies headed off political solutions such as national health insurance and more progressive public pensions. Outflanked, liberals and unions eventually accepted the system of employer-provided …
2013 St. Patrick's Day parade in Wappingers Falls, New York.

The Wearing of the Rainbow

… found ways to weave ever more disparate groups into the national fabric. Surely we have a long way to go in pursuing …
Blind Oracles: Intellectuals and War from Kennan to Kissinger, by Bruce Kuklick book cover.

Blind Oracles: Intellectuals and War from Kennan to Kissinger

Review of Blind Oracles: Intellectuals and War from Kennan to Kissinger, by Bruce Kuklick (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2006)
… failed to see the big picture, in that they did not see Soviet encroachments as a response to the possibility of … success to sound advice, rather than the fact that the Soviets had been bluffing. They misread the crisis as a … … United States … Cold War … Vietnam War … Diplomacy/International Relations … Blind Oracles: Intellectuals and War …
Views of the White Tower in Thessaloniki, Greece.

A Postcard from Thessaloniki, Greece

… Christians who would eventually be counted as “Greek.” This nationalist transformation occurred in 1912, when troops … three buildings that once served as mosques. However, Greek nationalists tore down the distinctive minarets that defined …

Baptized in the Jordan: Restoring a Holy River

… Jordan River where holiness, pollution, hydropolitics, and national boundaries collide. Source of Holy Water and … has been extensively analyzed from the perspective of international relations, international law, politics, geography, history, hydrology, …
John Kerry addressing reporters in 2015.

What’s a Convention For, Any More?

… Sen. John F. Kennedy, making his initial appearance in the national limelight. Kennedy came up just short of Kefauver … Yet the era of genuine grassroots participation in the national political process seems over, regardless of whether …