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Here, a bus broadcasts the anti-apartheid message to Londoners in 1989.

Inequality After Apartheid

Review of Apartheid Guns and Money: A Tale of Profit, by Hennie van Vuuren (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019)
… with foreign countries, notably the “big five”: France, the Soviet Union, the United States, and United Kingdom, and China. … leads off Chapter 1, “Before we delve into the murky international dimensions of this machinery, we need to understand …
Comic from the Brooklyn Daily Eagle Sun.

“A New and Deadly Menace” (Prologued, Season 2, Episode 2)

… and turn-of-the-century California. Ultimately, a international perspective helps us to understand why the world … is the real spurred to both an effort to create an international drug control regime, but also some of the kind of … that's where you start to get the development of this international movement. It's both a formal and an informal …

From Harlem to Ferguson: LBJ's War on Crime and America's Prison Crisis

… touches on his acceptance speech to the Republican National Convention. The night before, at the Cow Palace, he … the streets of his community,” he said in his State of the Union Message. Pledging federal assistance to local police … exploit prison labor eroded wage levels and weakened trade unions in certain industries. Widespread felon …
Emancipation Memorial Statue

Emancipation by What Means?

Review of The Zealot and the Emancipator: John Brown, Abraham Lincoln, and the Struggle for American Freedom, by H.W. Brands (New York: Doubleday, 2020)
… Stephen Douglas, both from Illinois. Douglas was already a nationally-prominent Democrat who tried to tread a fine line … the Civil War as a chance to obtain freedom by fleeing to Union lines. “Emancipation Memorial” (1876) by Thomas Ball, … shown as remaining subservient and lacking personal agency. Union generals such as Benjamin Butler and John C. Fremont …
The 1999 impeachment trial of President Bill Clinton, Chief Justice William Rehnquist presiding

How Presidential Power Became Untouchable

… a sense of presidential invulnerability in the conduct of national security policy. That legacy deeply compromises our … authority if it is justified by even shaky claims of national security necessity. McCain is already asserting … interpretation of presidential authority in matters of national security began to be quietly constructed, though …
Launching of the USS RALPH JOHNSON in Mississippi.

A New Cold War in the Caribbean?

… Marine forces poised to launch strikes from the sea against Soviet and Cuban forces at the height of the Cuban Missile … for the United States. In 1962, America and the Soviet Union came as close as they ever would to nuclear war. The … McCain on the right in an effort to appear strong on national defense, Obama should make the case that McCain has …

Erdoğan’s Presidential Dreams, Turkey’s Constitutional Politics

… seen Erdoğan as a useful foil to Turkey’s “deep state”—a union of authoritarian generals, judges, and government … With Istanbul under Allied occupation in 1921, an ad hoc national assembly in Ankara—the inland city which became … stimulus for these amendments came in the form of European Union accession negotiations, which began to heat up in the …
The headquarters of the National Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage in 1911.

The Nineteenth Amendment

… not include women’s suffrage, and in 1869 they formed the National Woman Suffrage Association (NWSA) to advocate for a … remained separate until 1890, when they merged to form the National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA). … local elections beginning in 1869, and Wyoming entered the union in 1890 as the first state with female suffrage. …
Signing of the Treaty of Ghent, 1814

The War We Refuse to Remember

… from 1776. Nothing could be further from the truth. National identity is often constructed through the selective … of Ghent, and the War of 1812 which it ended, American national identity was created through forgetting the whole …
Destruction in San Francisco after the 1906 earthquake.

Another Pearl Harbor? Not by a Longshot

… assurance that the nation has endured similar episodes of national trauma and managed to persevere. Unfortunately, in … on December 7, 1941. The high casualties (2,400 killed) and national outrage produced by a surprise attack on U.S. soil … a new, frightening and unfamiliar reality of high-tech international terrorism and our vulnerability to it. History can …
Bird's-eye-view of the 1993 border blockade enacted by CBP Border Patrol agents in El Paso, Texas as part of Operation Hold the Line.

Fortifying the U.S.-Mexico Boundary: The 1993 “Hold the Line” Experiment

… In his  2024 State of the Union Address , President Joe Biden championed  a bipartisan … Shelby Park in Eagle Pass, Texas, deploying the Texas National Guard to apprehend migrants while restricting the … “illegals” to describe immigrants during the State of the Union Address, they should avoid depicting the region solely …
Cover of Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China by Ezra F. Vogel.

The Man Who Re-Invented China

Review of Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China, by Ezra F. Vogel (Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2011)
… with the collapse of socialism in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, made the future of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) … Vogel presents a Deng best described by three adjectives: nationalistic, pragmatic, and authoritarian. The China of …
Signal Soldiers train to protect against Nuclear Biological and Chemical threats.

The Nuclear Theft From the Poor and Hungry

… uses of atomic energy and led to the creation of the International Atomic Energy Agency in 1957.   In 1991 the United … Threat Reduction program with Russia as the former Soviet Union disintegrated. The plan is also called the Nunn-Lugar …
A memorial to Holocaust victims in front of a Jewish cemetery.

A Postcard from Berlin: Confronting a Troubled Past

… brass plaques that provide minor details about victims of National Socialism are scattered around Berlin and are … the two world superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union, was centered in Berlin. The country was famously …
Statue of Peter the Great in Moscow

The Past and Future of Russian-American Relations

… Since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Russian-American relations, if not close, … and ideologies needed to compete in European international politics. In the usual course of events, the …
Taliban fighters patrol the streets of Kabul in August, 2021.

Who are the Taliban?

… Who are the Taliban? The question has confounded international society for more than a quarter century. Their … forged during a pivotal moment of Afghan history, the anti-Soviet jihad . A leftist coup in April 1978, known as the … When PDPA revolutionaries appeared to falter, the Soviet Union invaded in December 1979 to support them. However, the …

Madame President: A History of the Women Who Ran before Hillary

… president, three of whom garnered support at a major party national convention. Five were nominated as third-party … should be allowed to volunteer to serve on noncombat international missions. Known for always wearing a red rose on … and vice presidential candidates of 1972. Before entering national politics, Chisholm had served in the New York State …
President George W. Bush addressing Congress in 2001 with Vice President Dick Cheney and House Speaker Dennis Hastert standing behind him.

Wartime Powers: Lincoln’s Restraint, Bush’s Excess

… during wartime has an obligation to place national security above Fourth Amendment safeguards that … was constitutionally obligated to protect and preserve the union. To prevent Washington from being encircled by … he insists, included his secret authorization of the National Security Agency to spy on hundreds, perhaps …
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. at the Civil Rights March on Washington in 1963.

Spring Marches on Washington

… clues to understanding us. In the first, on April 16, labor unions and environmentalists marched on Washington to protest the policies of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. Environmentalists … In the spring of 1894, Jacob S. Coxey tried to arouse the national government to act against unemployment in the midst …
Image of 8 women in US politics

Women in American Politics

… us off here?   Dr. Susan Hartmann  It really didn't change national politics until about a half century later. For one … as a citizen in our country, I think, was a big kind of national shift. I’m currently working on a biography of the … indication of women's growing clout or potential clout in national politics.   Dr. Susan Hartmann  But they didn't …
Book cover of To Break Russia's Chains by Vladimir Alexandrov

Terrorism as the Path to a Better Russia

Review of To Break Russia’s Chains: Boris Savinkov and His Wars Against the Tsar and the Bolsheviks by Vladimir Alexandrov (New York: Pegasus Books, 2021)
… allies and anti-Bolshevik forces in a series of schemes. Soviet secret agents lured him back in 1924, where he was … from the early 20th century. Boris Savinkov on trial in the Soviet Union, 1924. Vladimir Alexandrov, Emeritus Professor of …
Portrait of Thomas Paine from 1792.

Paine’s Counsel for a New Time that Tries Men’s Souls

… our industrial and commercial foundations to weaken, our national and local infrastructures to decay and our capacities to prepare for and respond to threats to our national security and freedom to decline. When Americans … a country in which “We the People . . . form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, …