Search Results

Displaying 985 - 1008 of 1227
A rhino standing on the beach

The Sixth Extinction and Our Unraveling World

… many which are already illegal, of course, under the international treaty under the CITES treaty, but that really is … So then turning to the bigger picture about how we act on national and on and on a global scale. Are their current US … big things that that we could do that would require international cooperation would be to put aside big tracts of …

America's Long-Suffering Mental Health System

… created a groundswell for reform. The signing of the National Mental Health Act in 1946 and the subsequent creation of the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) signaled that the … officials enact gun legislation as part of a broader national student walkout on the one-month anniversary of the …
Dian Fossey with mountain gorilla.

Dian Fossey: Conservationist in the Mist

… At this site, a coalition between the local community, national wildlife representatives and international researchers (stakeholders with sometimes … of Fossey’s work popularizing his life—that led to an international outpouring of grief, the creation of the Digit Fund …
The floor seal of the Central Intelligence Agency

Getting Others to Fight Our Wars

… send in U.S. forces. But after some scorching remarks from Soviet Premier Khrushchev, while Castro was making mincemeat … Henry Butterfield Ryan … History News Service … Global/Transnational … Military/War/Peace … Cold War … Getting Others to …
Paratroopers of teh 2nd RPC firing a 106 mm SR recoilless gun at an Egyptian resistance point on an Egyptian resistance point in Port Said

The Suez Crisis (1956)

In July 1956, the international order was disrupted by the Suez Crisis, a complicated imbroglio marked by the intersection of European decolonization, the Arab-Israeli conflict, the Cold War, and the growth of U.S. power.
… began on July 26, when Egyptian Premier Gamal Abdel Nasser nationalized the Suez Canal Company after the United States … and Dr. Nicholas B. Breyfogle.    … In July 1956, the international order was disrupted by the Suez Crisis, a … of U.S. power. … Peter Hahn … Middle East … Diplomacy/International Relations … Cold War … Egypt … Global/Transnational
soldiers patrolling in Iraq

The U.S. Invasion of Iraq, 10 Years Later

… despite flagging U.N. support and deteriorating international popular opinion . In the late evening of March 19, … nightmare, effectively squandering post-9/11 international sympathy and support. A far more deleterious effect …
Russian chemist and educator Dmitrii Mendeleev

Mendeleev's Periodic Table

… The United Nations declared 2019 to be the International Year of the Periodic Table, celebrating the 150th …
President Woodrow Wilson with his wife, Edith, in June 1920.

Making it into the White House

Review of Fit for the Presidency? Winners, Losers, What-Ifs, and Also-Rans, by Seymour Morris Jr. (Lincoln: Potomac Books, 2017)
Strangers Nowhere in the World: The Rise of Cosmopolitanism in Early Modern Europe , by Margaret Jacobs book cover.

Strangers Nowhere in the World: The Rise of Cosmopolitanism in Early Modern Europe

Review of Strangers Nowhere in the World: The Rise of Cosmopolitanism in Early Modern Europe , by Margaret Jacobs (Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2006)
… readers to cultivate in order to prevent against militant nationalism and fundamentalist sentiment.  Opening the book … the limits of cosmopolite sentiment in the busy international city. During the eighteenth century Avignon was a … was so crucial in the English Civil war and in forming international social circles of scientific and even alchemic …
Anti-government protesters in Kiev

"Ukraine, Headed for a Revolution?"

… Ukraine's refusal to sign a trade deal with the European Union. These protests have continued for months, leaving … to clash. … Connecting History … Europe … Ukraine … International Organizations … Russia … "Ukraine, Headed for a …
Aurangzeb in a pavilion with courtiers below.

Aurangzeb: Mughal Emperor

… communal violence that plagues South Asia today.  To Hindu nationalists, he is the ultimate villain: an oppressive …
Bust of Harlan Fiske Stone, the 12th Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court.

Following Bad Precedents for Deciding Military Justice

… a great deal about whether the administration respects international law. Until now, the Bush administration has … we wish to make them. Nothing in all history or in international law, at least as far as I am aware, justifies such …
The Blood of Free Men: The Liberation of Paris, 1944, by Michael Neiberg Book Cover.

How the Sun Rose Again on the City of Light

Review of The Blood of Free Men: The Liberation of Paris, 1944, by Michael Neiberg (New York: Basic Books, 2012)
… divided city with collaborationist neighborhoods, areas of union and communist strength, and the German headquarters …