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a group of Ukrainian theatre performers on a stage

Ukrainian Theater on the Soviet Stage

On a summer day in August 1920, in the middle of war, a group of Ukrainians performed Macbeth.
… a group of Ukrainians performed Macbeth. … Mayhill Fowler … Ukraine … Art … Former Soviet Union … Theater … Ukrainian …
In this 1919 caricature, Ukrainians are surrounded by a Bolshevik (to the north, man with hat and red star), a Russian White Army soldier (to the east, with Russian eagle flag and a short whip), and to the west a Polish soldier, a Hungarian (in pink uniform) and two Romanian soldiers. Wikimedia Commons

Ukraine in War and Revolution

The decade of war and revolution between 1914 and 1924 is critical for understanding both Russian and Ukrainian statehood up to the present day.
… statehood up to the present day. … Joshua A. Sanborn … Ukraine … Military/War/Peace … Russia … Former Soviet Union … Ukraine in War and Revolution …
Bartholomew I, the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, signs the tomos (January 5, 2019) that officially established the Orthodox Church of Ukraine and granted it autocephaly.

The Religious Roots of the War in Ukraine

Many observers have been surprised that this war has a religious dimension. Yet its roots lie in the intertwined but separate religious histories of Ukraine and Russia.
… lie in the intertwined but separate religious histories of Ukraine and Russia.  Written by Heather J. Coleman. … lie in the intertwined but separate religious histories of Ukraine and Russia. … Heather J. Coleman … Ukraine … Religion … Russia … Christianity … Europe … The …
Anti-government protesters in Kiev

"Ukraine, Headed for a Revolution?"

… protesters in Kiev took to the streets last fall, decrying Ukraine's refusal to sign a trade deal with the European … Plokhii, talked with host, Ann Fisher on the difficulties Ukraine faces.  Listen, or watch the conversation here , and … factions continue to clash. … Connecting History … Europe … Ukraine … International Organizations … Russia … "Ukraine, …
Pioneers Palace in Kiev, Ukraine

Ukrainian Architecture at War

Architecture is a way of understanding the world: recording its history, sharing its culture, and connecting with people.
… culture, and connecting with people. We need to consider Ukraine’s architecture during war first and foremost because … its culture, and connecting with people. … Ashley Bigham … Ukraine … Art … Military/War/Peace … Architecture/Monuments …
A memorial to the Heaven’s Hundred in Kyiv. Serhii Kemsky’s photo is in black and white under the words Nebesna sotnia.

Heroes Never Die

… It was February 2014 in Kyiv , Ukraine. I stood in the wet cold with Ukrainians of all … the protests but also because he represented a multi-ethnic Ukraine. Explaining why he came to the protests, he said, … bullets on January 22.   Serhii Kemsky also had a vision of Ukraine’s future. Born in Crimea , he studied political …
The National Crest of Transnistria.

Transnistria: The History Behind the Russian-backed Region

… of the Dniester, raising concerns that the Russian war in Ukraine could spill over into Transnistria and Moldova. … has been caught up in Russia’s geopolitical game with Ukraine and the West. Today, Transnistria exists as a … “I am a Moldovan, my wife is Russian, my kids study in Ukraine. I have understood Russian my whole life. I believe …
In 2011, thousands of ultra-nationalist demonstrators took to the streets of Moscow, armed with tsarist insignia and shouting the anti-immigrant chant "Let's give Russia back to the Russians!"

Russia’s Lost Empire

Review of Lost Kingdom: The Quest for Empire and the Making of the Russian Nation, From 1470 to the Present, by Serhii Plokhy (New York: Basic Books, 2017)
… current events in former Soviet republics, especially in Ukraine . In Lost Kingdom: The Quest for Empire and the … had always been part of Russia. Thus, they concluded, Ukraine and Belorussia should be integrated into the Russian … Russian identity of Great Russia (Russia), Little Russia (Ukraine), and White Russia (Belarus) emerged in the 1860s in …
a man kneeling down near tributes to fallen heroes

Heroes Never Die: The Legacies of Euromaidan

Emily Channell-Justice explores the goals and lived experiences of Ukraine’s watershed Euromaidan protests of 2013-14.
… explores the goals and lived experiences of Ukraine’s watershed Euromaidan protests of 2013-14. The … and actions of Maidan’s heroes remain a driving force in Ukraine’s perseverance today, and they will empower … available at Video production by Svetlana Ter-Grigoryan, Laura …
Cover of The Last Empire: The Final Days of the Soviet Union by Serhii Plokhy

"The Greatest Geopolitical Catastrophe of the Century"

Review of The Last Empire: The Final Days of the Soviet Union, by Serhii Plokhy (New York: Basic Books, 2014)
… Those seeking better understanding of current events in Ukraine would do well to read The Last Empire, Serhii … the demise of the Soviet Union. Ultimately, the decision by Ukraine to declare independence ensured that the Soviet … triangular relations between Russia, the Soviet Union, and Ukraine. The treaty was to have transferred sovereignty over …
The Saint Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv, Ukraine.

Rus not Russia

… Underlying the 2022 war in Ukraine is another conflict, this one over the past. In … .” It laid out historical claims to the territory of Ukraine, walking through a specious reading of history … talking about in order to correct Putin’s false claims that Ukraine “belongs” to the modern Russian state. Medieval …
ancient Vikings

Rus Not Russia

The Russian government’s rationale for the war in Ukraine is not about oil, coal, or natural resources. It is about asserting specious historical claims.
… The Russian government’s rationale for the war in Ukraine is not about oil, coal, or natural resources. It is … … The Russian government’s rationale for the war in Ukraine is not about oil, coal, or natural resources. It is … specious historical claims. … Christian Raffensperger … Ukraine … Russia … Medieval … Europe … Rus Not Russia …
Depiction of the eleven-month-long siege of the Russian naval base at Sevastopol, Crimea, during the Crimean War

Crimea: A General Introduction

Review of Crimea: A History, by Neil Kent London: Hurst & Company, 2016.
… Until 2014, Ukraine was a country little known and poorly-understood by … Empire, leading into Crimea’s integration, along with Ukraine (then called Novorossiya , or “New Russia”) into the Russian Empire. Map of Russia (blue), Ukraine (green), and Crimea, which is shown in black because …
Ivan Aivazovsky, a Native of Feodosia, Crimea, is known as one of Russia's greatest painters, and one of the world's best at seascapes. The Battle of Sinop (Russian and Turkish Navies), 1853

Top Ten Origins: Stories from Crimea

… and one epicenter of an international conflict over Ukraine that seems far from resolution. While we look to … no food, thousands died during the voyage. 9. Crimea and Ukraine Soviet Poster depicting Russia and Ukraine. Entitled "Eternally Together" In 1954, to …
The Sofia Monument to the Soviet Army painted in the colors of the Ukrainian flag din support of the 2014 Ukrainian Revolution.

World War II in Eastern Europe: Many Lands, Many Memories

… In the aftermath of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the countries formerly designated … bloc ” displayed a remarkable solidarity in support of Ukraine. Officials from Estonia echoed those from Romania, … While Putin has justified his brutal war as “liberating” Ukraine from neo-Nazis, government officials in many East …
Moskvitch 3 vehicles roll off the assembly line at JSC Moscow Automobile Plant Moskvitch, 2022.

Sanctions on Russia: Impact and Efficacy

… Soon after Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine began in February 2022, the United States and … to continue).  In the wake of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine , the West intensified efforts to limit Russia’s … prioritizes the impact on Russia’s ability to wage war on Ukraine in the short term, the secondary consequences on …
A woman on the outskirts of Kyiv carrying a bucket of apricots

Eating at You: Food and Chernobyl

… It's not accidental that Ukraine is called the “bread basket” of Eastern Europe . … organic food movement emerged, villagers and townspeople in Ukraine had mastered the arts of growing, cooking and … the cascade of rivers and lakes from the northern border of Ukraine, where the smoldering reactor was, south towards …
Vladimir Putin seated and surrounded by military officers

World War II Memory in Putin's Russia

… Putin’s interests, including with regard to his war in Ukraine. Panelists: David L. Hoffmann, College of Arts and … Putin's interests, including with regard to his war in Ukraine. Let's take a moment to get to know our speaker. Dr. … uses World War II memory to try to justify his invasion of Ukraine. As I'll talk about today, for some time, Putin has …
Flag of Crimea

3/3/14: A Volatile Crimea

… President Viktor Yanukovych's toppling meant a hiatus in Ukraine's unrest. Protests in Ukraine's autonomous republic of Crimea, however, show this … " Crimea, the Tinderbox. " … Connecting History … Europe … Ukraine … Military/War/Peace … Russia … 3/3/14: A Volatile …
A military reservist, called to service in the wake of the disaster, involved in the decontamination process.

Chernobyl and the Cost of Lies

… Energy Station exploded during a safety test in Soviet Ukraine in the early hours of April 26, 1986. The lies begin … with you. … David P. Hadley … Connecting History … Europe … Ukraine … Soviet Union … Energy … Nuclear Power & Weapons … …

NATO's New Order: The Alliance After the Cold War

… new air forces in the Baltic states . And the fall of Ukraine’s President Viktor Yanukovich  ( below, left ) in 2014 and the outbreak of fighting in eastern Ukraine between Ukrainian forces and Russian separatists … Russia for reacting to the fall of its ally Yanukovich in Ukraine by sparking a civil war in eastern Ukraine, designed …
A pro-union demonstration in Romania, 2009. The flag translates to "Moldova Our Sister"

Moldova and Romania: A Long and Complicated Relationship

… Chișinău has grown since Russia’s invasion of neighboring Ukraine in 2022.  After Ukraine , Moldova has been the country most affected by the … Sergei Lavrov warned that Moldova may become the “next Ukraine.”  Soon after, President Sandu confirmed statements …

Dispatches from the Armenian Revolution

… “color revolutions” that took place in  Georgia  and  Ukraine  in the early 2000s that were overtly anti-Russian, … the Rose Revolution in 2003 ( left ). The first day of Ukraine’s Orange Revolution in 2004 ( right ). The Armenian … Armenian Revolution avoided the pitfalls and violence of Ukraine and Georgia.  To be sure, these were choices …